Supporting the Career and Technical Educator in structuring, managing, and tracking instruction and student progress in an online learning environment.

Automotive Technology Competency Profiles
The 2022 ASE Competency Profile modules are designed to help instructors track student progress toward competency in the 2022 ASE automobile program standards. There are three modules available, MLR, AST, and MAST to match the three levels of ASE certification. Each online module contains nine topics that represent each of the ASE automobile areas of emphasis including a topic that addresses Foundation Skills (RST). Each topic contains the job sheets related to the ASE tasks in that emphasis area. The job Sheets in each topic are accessed through the assignment feature in the Moodle learning management system. There is also a tenth topic entitled Instructor Resources that includes Moodle process documentation.
The grading scale reflect the ASE competency rating scale.
MLR contains 234 tasks-assignments.
AST contains 315 tasks-assignments.
MAST contans 372 tasks-assginments.
As the student completes tasks a competency profile is created for the instructor and student to assess their progress.
To see an overview of the modules and a screen shot of the site structure click here.
What's Included
Job Sheets
In Moodle Assignment
In PDF for quick reference
Moodle Process Documentation
All subscriptions end June 30, 2026.
MLR = $1500.00
AST = $2,00.00
MAST = $2,500.00
There is no limit on student enrollments per school site per subscription term.
How To
Moodle instructions and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the Automotive Technology Online Curriculum page.